Main Colloquium
Prof. Dr. Selma de Mink


On the origin of the VLBI astrometric variability of extragalactic radio sources

Main Colloquium
Dr. Jaques Roland
Observatoire de Paris

Variations of the flux density of the nucleus of an extragalactic radio source can be due either to the variations of the synchrotron spectra of the black holes contained in the nucleus, or to the ejection of VLBI components. As a consequence of the variations of the synchrotron spectra of the black holes, there will be periods during which the low frequency and the high frequency observations will be aligned on the same BH, say BH1, and periods during which the low frequency and the high frequency observations will be aligned on different BHs, say BH1 and BH2. We obtained centroid position time series at 15 GHz from MOJAVE modelfitting giving epoch positions of the VLBI components and for each epoch, we calculated the 15~GHz flux barycenter positions using a beam $B = 2$ mas which corresponds to the $8$~GHz beam. The comparison of the $8$~GHz and $15$~GHz time series shows that: a) the time series are generally correlated, but they can be anti-correlated during some periods and b) the absolute position of the ICRF3 survey corresponds to the mean position of the $15$~GHz flux density barycenter within $\leq 0.100$ mas$. The comparison of the $8$ and $15$~GHz has been done for 2201+315 which structure of the nucleus is known and for 0851+202 and 0923+392 which structures of the nucleus are not known.

Exploring the Polarization Perspective on Kiloparsec scale AGN jets

Lunch Colloquium
Janhavi Baghel
National Center for Radio Astrophysics, Pune, India
